RMP Registration Updates

What we do for you

RMP registration updates are automatically included in our RMP Compliance Program, which is the best way to get and keep your facility in full compliance with mandatory RMP regulations. However, if your facility needs only a registration update, then we can easily assist you with that.

We have prepared and submitted more RMP registrations than any other company in the country. Our Compliance Specialists will submit your registration accurately to reflect your current RMP documentation and record-keeping. If we find any discrepancies, then we will let you know prior to submission. This is critical as prior to inspections regulators will download your facility’s registration and compare it to your current documentation. Discrepancies in your digital reporting may result in fines during an inspection event.

Contact us for a no obligation proposal.

With a pending EPA inspection occurring only days after we entered an agreement with MunicipalH2O, they were able to quickly help us organize our records and documents. They really simplified the RMP requirements and the inspection process.

Dane Rau City of Brenham, TX

What is an RMP Registration Update?

RMP Registrations are submitted via EPA’s CDX/RMPESUBMIT and directly to some state RMP enforcement agencies at least every 5 years. These digital documents are deceptively complicated to submit, requiring attention to detail and a good understanding of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) RMPeSUBMIT software.

Registrations must reflect your current RMP documentation and may need to be resubmitted or corrected under several circumstances. Some examples include:

Changes in your RMP contact or emergency contact.

Changes in email addresses and/or phone numbers.

Increases in the maximum quantities of RMP regulated substances on-site.

Planning to add new RMP regulated chemicals to treatment processes.

Adding new process equipment or any other process changes, current or planned.

New construction affecting processes.